The Ranger Trio set off deeper into the forest, their eyes peeled for any signs of the shadow that threatened the woodlands of Espernol. They moved swiftly, their steps light and sure, as they made their way through the tangled underbrush.

As they walked, they began to notice more signs of the darkness that was creeping into the forest. The trees were sickly and withered, their leaves drooping and brown. The air was thick with a foul stench, and the ground was littered with the bones of dead animals.

“This is worse than we thought,” Felkis said, her voice grim.

“We have to find the source of this darkness and destroy it,” Tommot added.

Dallus grunted in agreement, his hand tight on his axe. He was ready for a fight, and he knew that his friends were too.

They walked for hours, the forest growing darker and more ominous with each passing step. They encountered many dangers along the way, from wolves to goblins to trolls, but they fought them off with ease, their skills as Rangers honed by years of training.

As they pressed deeper into the forest, they began to feel a sense of unease. They could sense that they were being watched, and they knew that whatever was watching them was not friendly.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the trees above them, and they looked up to see a figure perched on a branch. It was a creature unlike any they had ever seen before, with jet-black fur and glowing red eyes.

The creature let out a howl, and then leaped down from the tree, landing in front of the Ranger Trio with a snarl. It was a werewolf, and it was not happy to see them.

The Ranger Trio sprang into action, their weapons at the ready. They knew that a werewolf was a formidable opponent, but they also knew that they had to take it down if they were going to find the source of the darkness.

The battle was fierce, with the werewolf using its razor-sharp claws and teeth to try to tear them apart. But the Ranger Trio fought back with skill and bravery, their weapons slicing through the air with deadly accuracy.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the werewolf lay dead at their feet. The Ranger Trio were battered and bruised, but they were also elated. They knew that they had won a great victory, and that they were one step closer to finding the source of the darkness.

“Let’s keep moving,” Felkis said, her voice determined. “We have to find that source and destroy it, no matter what.”

The Ranger Trio set off once again, their eyes scanning the forest for any signs of the shadow. They knew that the battle was far from over, but they also knew that they were ready for whatever lay ahead.